Monday, October 5, 2015


Woolly Mammoth Found by Michigan Farmers.

Two farmers in Lima Township, Mich. stumbled upon the find of their lives while digging a drainage ditch. About 8 feet down, the Detroit Free Press reports, they struck bone and realized something large was buried in their midst.

Soon University of Michigan researchers were on the scene, and after a more extensive excavation they determined the two farmers had found an adult woolly mammoth skeleton.
Scientists at the site said it was among the most complete woolly mammoth skeletons ever unearthed in Michigan.
Found in the dig were the head, tusks, ribs, and a set of vertebrae. A university paleontologist told the publication it was likely killed by humans some 10,000 to 15,000 years ago.

Living Fossils: Animals From Another Time: Photos

Its killing by humans explains parts of the mammoth that were missing -- they were likely eaten, the expert said. The creature was between 40 and 50 years old.

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