Tuesday, October 8, 2019

WATCH: Bears lock themselves in a Gatlinburg van and honk the horn

Bear cubs lock themselves in a Gatlinburg van, then honk until a human lets them out.

Jeff Stokely works with A.S.A.P. Security Systems. He parked his van outside a customer's house in Gatlinburg on Friday and got to work. It wasn't long before he started hearing a car horn blowing from somewhere. He says it was about 20 minutes before it occurred to him that it might be his own van. Stokely deduced the bears had climbed in through the driver side door - but that door was now closed. And locked. Stokely believes the bears must have hit the lock button once they were inside.

After capturing the wandering intruders on video, Stokely opened the back door to the van. The two cubs eventually lumbered out and returned to the woods.

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