
Monday, December 26, 2016

Law Enforcement game camera captures footage of a hairy creature video

A game camera had been used by law enforcement as a possible way of spotting marijuana growers operating in the Sequoia National Forest.
The device which supplied the footage was purportedly placed "27 miles back in the Sequoia National Forest, not accessible by vehicles, only ATV, then foot."
When the law enforcement officers went to retrieve the cameras, the source says, they were stunned to discover this particular piece of footage.

In the undeniably ambiguous video, the game camera manages to capture footage of a hairy creature seemingly burying the device under a pile of leaves.

A Law Enforcement Officer writes “Hey Wes, I will make this as short as possible. I have a video from a trail cam. Listen to this episode.

For more info go to Sasquatch chronicles

In this video, you will see some of the most interesting images showing the mysterious ape-like creature we call Bigfoot.